The holidays are at last over and life is getting back to normal.. Everything gets so hectic. I met my friend Jerry in the parking lot near the market. He had ridden his bike there.
Bike racks have still not been moved close to the markets in either center. Makes it difficult to watch the bike even if it is locked. The basket just clips off and is not locked in any way.
When my son John and new wife Ali were here they bought a new surf board. Sadly, they have returned to the mainland and the board is hanging in the garage. We discovered we had a vintage board in the garage and I am looking for someone to bring it back to life.
Storing my bike in the garage closet has worked out very well and I no longer imagine finding the red bike missing when I get home. I doubt, though , that anyone would dare be seen riding my beautiful bike around town--it is too unusual and clearly special. I am very proud of it, and the fact that I have been able to get back on a bike again. Cheers, M