Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, after all my worrying about the registration/licensure of my bike, I find that the bike shop will assist me with it.
Sam's car (a station wagon) has been in the garage, so have not been able to pick up the bike yet, but will have it by the weekend. This has been a really rainy week here, and in addition had to go to the Big Island on business, so I am really looking forward to a sunny weekend.
Now that the license issue is out of the way, I realize that a bicycle cannot simply be left out in the garage for all to see. So..oo I will take this opportunity to clean out the closet in our garage, and make it into a safe place for the red bike. The excess stuff in the garage will be welcome at the Salvation Army Shop, and perhaps be useful to some families.
I observed that few bicycles were being used at the University of Hawaii at Hilo while I was there yesterday. Maybe I was there at the wrong time, but I thought it strange, as the campus has lots of open space and the town is small.
I have started to look for bike racks everywhere I go. Am surprised they are not as common as they should be.
Have told a number of friends and colleagues that I will be spending time riding my bicycle. They all seem slightly amused, however, my plan is to recruit some of them as companions on my bike rides. More on that later.

Aloha, Marilyn

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